Since its establishment in 2004, FESnU has been the
leading company in the domestic GPS and RF signal markets.

FESnU will continue to invest in improving our own technology
level and exporting to other countries, and we will always do our best to provide
the best service to our customers and become a trusted company.

페스앤유는 2004년 설립이래
국내 GPS 및 RF신호 시장의

페스앤유는 자체 기술 수준 향상 및 해외 수출에
계속적인 투자를 아끼지 않을 것이며,
항상 고객 최고의 서비스를 제공하고, 신뢰받는 기업이 되기 위해서 최선을 다하겠습니다.


Since its establishment in 2004, FESnU has been a leader in the domestic GPS and RF signal markets,
and since then, it has grown with the idea that customer satisfaction is the top priority through the provision of
High Precision Antenna, Special LED and life SOC solutions, Marine Solution, and management innovation.

Based on the expertise and expertise of each field, we provide solutions for convenient use and efficient
management from industrial site to residential life through high technology from marine vessel, automobile and
professional LED lighting, CCTV for unmanned crackdown security for life SOC We provide.

In the meantime, we have put a lot of talented people who have abundant experience and technology
in all fields of manufacturing, research, design and construction with a firm belief and have been doing
business with high quality.

We will continue to invest in improving our own technology level and exporting overseas,
and we will do our best to provide the best service and to be a reliable company.



Since its establishment in 2004, FESnU has been a leader in the domestic GPS and RF signal markets, and since then, it has grown with the idea that customer satisfaction is the top priority through the provision of High Precision Antenna, Special LED and life SOC solutions, Marine Solution, and management innovation.

Based on the expertise and expertise of each field, we provide solutions for convenient use and efficient
management from industrial site to residential life through high technology from marine vessel, automobile and
professional LED lighting, CCTV for unmanned crackdown security for life SOC We provide.

In the meantime, we have put a lot of talented people who have abundant experience and technology
in all fields of manufacturing, research, design and construction with a firm belief and have been doing
business with high quality.

We will continue to invest in improving our own technology level and exporting overseas,
and we will do our best to provide the best service and to be a reliable company.